We came to life with closed eyes, and we remain blind even after opening them.
We don’t see what we are looking at, even though it stares at us, waving, acknowledging its presence.
And yet we can’t wave back or see that which is staring into us.
You are being taken care of, son. Don’t worry.
God is watching over your soul.
Everything and everyone you encounter has something to tell thee and thyself must listen.
For Thee, my boy talks to thyself through birds, trees, winds, rocks, or a madman.
The old man sitting next to thee on the bus is not talking nonsense if thyself listen carefully.
The drunk guy screaming is doing so, so you can listen.
The coughing smoker passing beside you has just whispered you a secret.
So open your ears to the whispers,
Open your eyes to the unseen,
And above all, open your heart to thee.
For thee is loving you, so love thyself.
Be humble in your living and ambition,
Be sufficient with what you have, for it is abundant,
Respect thee and thyself and when your eyes are open to see light,
Vivaldi’s four seasons will become words in your ears,
Michael Angelo’s paintings will talk to you if you only listen,
The moon will smile back only if you smile sincerely.
Don’t fake it.
Let yourself feel the numbness; let it consume you, for thyself needs it.
Change the way you see life, and life itself will change accordingly.
For thee is the creator of thyself life
Be a patient observer, for he who observes thee and thyself joins the paradise
For thyself mind is the incubator of one’s Hell and Heaven.
So you will be pardoned by thee, when thee pardon thyself.